An Invitation to rest at RBRC

In this lesson, Sandra Traver will extend a personal invitation for you to experience the transformative rest and renewal offered at the Richard Bush Renewal Center. Although God can speak to us anywhere, there is something profoundly special about setting aside dedicated time in a sacred space to be still and know that He is […]

Location and What RBRC Offers

Welcome to Lesson 2. In this lesson, we invite you to explore the beautiful and serene location of the Richard Bush Renewal Center and the myriad amenities it offers. Situated on 10 partially wooded acres in Central Michigan, RBRC features a 6,000-square-foot log lodge with a cozy, modern rustic vibe. The lodge includes 10 uniquely […]

The Richard Bush Renewal Center Story

Welcome to Session 7 of our Rest course, titled “An Invitation to Rest.” In this final session, we extend a heartfelt invitation to experience rest not just in theory, but in a tangible and transformative way at the Richard Bush Renewal Center (RBRC). This session will guide you through the story of the Center’s founding, […]

Jesus’ Invitation

Welcome to Lesson 2 of Session 6. In this lesson, we reflect on the personal invitation to rest extended by Jesus Himself. Before knowing Christ, many of us lived under the heavy burdens of fear and anxiety. Jesus offers a profound solution to our restless souls in Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me, all who labor […]

Invitation to Rest in Scripture

Welcome to Lesson 1 of Session 6! This is one of the most enriching lessons as it dives deep into the heart of Scripture to unveil God’s invitations to rest. While I can tell you about the benefits of Sabbath rest all day, what truly matters is what the Word of God says. Exodus 33:14 […]

What should I avoid during Sabbath?

Having explored what to do on your Sabbath, we now turn to what should be avoided to maximize the day’s restorative potential. Unlike the Israelites, who adhered to strict prohibitions, we are under the new covenant, giving us freedom to decide what we will not do—but this freedom requires thoughtful choices. The general rule is […]

How Do I Spend My Time During Sabbath?

One common misconception about Sabbath activities is that it should be a day, confined to rigid religious activities like prayer, Bible reading, and singing hymns. While these spiritual disciplines are important, Sabbath rest is much more diverse and should be tailored to what honors God and refreshes you. Think about what activities rejuvenate your spirit.  […]

The Support of the Holy Spirit

In this final lesson of session four, we will focus on the indispensable role of the Holy Spirit in helping us maintain our rhythms of rest. Romans 8:26 assures us that the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, guiding us toward a life that reflects Christ’s image. Surrendering to the Holy Spirit allows us to […]

Personal Pressure

While cultural pressures pose significant challenges, sometimes the most daunting hurdles come from within. Our personality traits, past experiences, and current life circumstances can all make resting seem impossible. Type A personalities or those known as go-getters often find it hard to slow down. They may even see Sabbath as unproductive. Here, we draw inspiration […]

Cultural Pressure

In this lesson, we delve into the cultural pressures that make keeping Sabbath rest counter-cultural. Our 24/7 society feeds on constant activity, and the concept of a day dedicated to rest seems almost rebellious. Many businesses remain open every day, and even Sundays, which were once reserved for rest and worship, have become just another […]