Activity: Missional Modeling

This activity is so that you can model for a person (couple) at your church how to engage with neighbors, look for gospel entry points, and hopefully have conversations about Jesus.  For this activity, invite a person or couple from your church over for a meal or out to dinner who needs you to model […]

MyCircle Training: Prayer

In this lesson, Pastor Jim Murphy, the creator of MyCircle Training, teaches the foundation of missional living and evangelism. After watching the video, complete the integration below.

READ: Philemon

Read the book of Philemon. As you ready pay attention to Paul’s appeal to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus. What strikes you in his appeal?

Gathering: Life with Family

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Raising Children and the Church

In this lesson, Pastor Clint gives encouragement to you life with Family, specifically your children. Leadership of the family is proving ground for Eldership. If you manage your house well, there will most often be success in leading the church well. After watching the video, use the Next Lesson button to advance in the session.

READ: Shepherding a Child’s Heart

About the book: Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child’s heart into the paths of life. Shepherding a Child’s Heart gives fresh biblical approaches to child rearing.

Activity: Family Time

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

READ: Dueteronomy

Watch this overview video from The Bible Project. After watching the video, read the book of Deuteronomy for yourself. 

Session 7: Material

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Intro to Session 7

The Video below will briefly overview the assignments in session 7. After watching the video, use the Next Lesson button to advance in the session.