Spiritual Ministry

In the video below, Pastor Clint talks about how to minister to those in front of us, like Jesus. Before watching the video, read Luke 18:35-43. As you are reading, pay special attention to Jesus’ interaction with the blind man he meets alongside the road to Jericho. After watching the video, complete the integration below.

READ: Creating a Healing Community

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Intro to Session 9

The Video below will briefly overview the assignments in session 9. After watching the video, use the Next Lesson button to advance in the session.

Session 8: Material

For this session of ElderLife you will need the following materials: READ: The Book of Jude READ: Jesus the Evangelist by Richard Phillips Rev. Richard D. Phillips digs into the early chapters of the Gospel of John to discover principles you can use for Christian outreach that were modeled by witnesses for Jesus and by […]

Intro to Session 8

The Video below will briefly overview the assignments in session 8. After watching the video, use the Next Lesson button to advance in the session.

Gathering: Life on Mission

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