MyCircle Training: Learning Their Worldview

In this lesson, Pastor Jim shares what we should be listening for during our conversations with lost people that really matter to them. After watching the video, complete the integration below.

MyCircle Training: Grace Stories

In this lesson, Pastor Jim teaches us the role that our stories of God’s grace have in our witness. After watching the video, complete the integration below.

MyCircle Training: Initial Conversations

In this lesson, Pastor Jim Murphy explains that beginning conversations is easy once you notice the natural bridges. After watching the video, complete the integration below.

MyCircle Training: Gospel Entry Points

In this lesson, Pastor Jim Murphy, the creator of MyCircle Training, teaches us to be aware of Gospel Entry Points. After watching the video, complete the integration below.

Gathering: Life in Leadership

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Intro to Life in Leadership

Watch as Pastor Josh introduces this session of ElderLife, Life in Leadership. After you have watched the video, use the Next Lesson button to advance in the Session.

Sharing Jesus

As Elders, you lead the way in training the church for ministry. In this lesson, Rick Toburen provides a simple and reproducible method to share Jesus with others.  When you have completed the video, advance in the session by using the Next Lesson button.

Building Trust

Trust in a team is one of the essential factors for that team to function well. In ministry, we have to work in teams. In this lesson, Pastor Josh will explain how to build trust in your team. After watching the video, use the Next Lesson button to advance in the session.