Part 8: A Life Lived

In this video, David Jones reflects on A.B. Simpson’s life and legacy. Reading for Part 8: A Life Lived – Chapters 11 and 12   After watching the video, complete the integration below.

Part 7: Marriage and Family

In this video, David Jones shares insights into A.B. and Margaret’s marriage. Reading for Part 7: Marriage and Family – Chapter 5 and Appendices 1 to 3 After watching the video, complete the integration below.

Part 6: Bandwidth

“To be great is to be misunderstood.” In this video, David Jones explains how A.B. grew, matured, and changed as he learned more about Jesus. Reading for Part 6: Bandwidth – Chapter 4 and 8 After watching the video, complete the integration below.

Part 5: Feet of Clay

The ministry of A.B. Simpson and the fledgling Christian & Missionary Alliance was exploding. In this video, David Jones explains how the growth of The Alliance impacted the world and A.B.’s leadership.  Reading for Part 5: Feet of Clay – Chapter 10 After watching the video, complete the integration below.

Part 4: Birth of a Movement

In this video, David Jones explains how the movement of the Christian and Missionary Alliance was born. Reading for Part 4: Birth of a Movement – Chapters 8 & 9 After watching the video, complete the integration below.

Part 3: Call and Vision Development

A.B. Simpson always seemed to choose the more difficult way since it would require more of him and more faith in God. In this lesson, David Jones provides insight into Simpson’s early ministry. Reading for Part 3: Call and Vision Development – Chapters 4, 6 & 7 After watching the video, complete the integration below.

Part 2: Groundwork

Bertie’s leadership began when he was young. In this session, David Jones explains how the experiences of his youth laid the groundwork for his ministry. Reading for Part 2: Groundwork – Chapter 3 After watching the video, complete the integration below.

Part 1: Foundation Stones

“Roots reveal how a tree will grow.” In this session, Author David Jones will instruct you on how Albert Benjamin Simpson’s upbringing had impact on his future.  Reading for Part 1: Foundation Stones – Chapters 1 & 2 After watching the video, complete the integration below. NOTE: The word integration is used throughout this course. So what […]

